Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

About Me:


Dr. Emily Wilson, PT

I didn’t begin my career as a pelvic floor specialist.  I started out as a doctoral student at Ithaca College’s school of physical therapy.  There I gained a solid foundation in human anatomy with a focus on the musculoskeletal system.  With diploma in hand, I ventured out west to begin practicing orthopedic physical therapy at an outpatient clinic in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  It was there I healed patients with personalized exercise prescriptions, dry needling and fascial release and manipulation.  But my intuition told me there was more I could do for my patients.  But to do more I had to learn more.  So I enrolled in advanced specialized pelvic floor physical therapy training from the Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute and took birth healing courses from the Institute of Birth Healing.  What happened next was life changing for both me and my patients.

Soon women, children and men seeking relief from often chronic pain and dysfunction of their pelvic floor filled my schedule.  Time and again, my patients had a story to tell.  So I listened and learned.  My treatments became more holistic and intuitive and more effective and my waiting list grew longer.

There was just one problem. Working at an insurance based clinic limited the type of treatments I could provide.  Often the treatments my patients needed the most!

It was time to move forward.  To find my own way.  To be the kind of doctor who digs deep.  Who sees you and hears you and has confidence in your body’s ability to heal from within.  It was time for Pelvic Wisdom.

I weave the wisdom of my mentors, Tami Lynn Kent and Martin Beaudoin of Beaudoin Bodywork with my own intuition to create healing session including hands on and hands in bodywork, visceral manipulation, trauma release and meditations to help you find long lasting healing.I specialize in trauma healing, pelvic pain, conception and infertility treatment, pregnancy and postpartum care, endometriosis management and surgical healing with scar tissue remediation.

Now 9 year into treating pelvic floor dysfunction and creating my own intuitive style of work at Pelvic Wisdom, I can finally say that I feel fortunate enough to have found my life’s work, my calling. I look forward to hold space for you on your healing journey.


Sue’s Journey of Healing:

“I am an avid hiker at  60+ years old, closer to 70 than 60 but who’s counting. Before seeing Emily, simple movements like sitting down, standing up and even lying down brought tears to my eyes.  I had seen countless doctors and even received steroid injections that had no long lasting effects, they weren’t getting to the root of my pain.  

I had pretty much given into the notion that I would live with the pain forever, when my husband came home with a very hopeful discovery.  He had just been to his first physical therapy appointment with Emily who, as he enthusiastically put it, "has healing hands!".  Although I was skeptical as I had tried PT before, I decided to give it a chance. I am so grateful that I made that call!  

Because Emily is a highly effective listener, she was always able to determine what therapy techniques would be most effective in producing positive results.  Her combined intuitive and intellectual approach in addressing my pain-related challenges has served to reawaken and to reset my body's ability to function without the previous pain levels.  Our work together helped me to: understand the current and the potential origins of my pain, apply proven techniques to control my discomfort, and reawaken the symbiotic relationship of mind, body, and spirit as it pertains to my physical wellbeing. My quality of life has significantly improved and I am thrilled that I can once again participate in the outdoor activities that I love without pain or symptoms from my prolapse.

Perhaps the most significant improvement has been that of learning, once again, to trust the intuitive gifts that we have all been given.  My sessions with Emily have served as an overall healing revelation! Thank you, Emily!”

-Dr. Sue A. Foy, Ph.D.


Kim’s Story of Releasing Trauma:

“Emily Wilson is a wonderful Healer and Champion in life.  Not just for herself but for others.  I have personally experienced and continue to experience results, applying what was shared through the integrative techniques during our sessions.  Emily is an advocate of self-discovery, a Catalyst and Promoter of self-healing through self-awareness.  My favorite thing though, about choosing to partner with Emily in MY recovery, is her ability to RESPECT and encourage One to recognize and embrace One’s own abilities in healing One’s Self through knowledge and applied technique.  This knowledge comes from within.  Connecting to Source.  Many of the things that Emily shared with me, I already knew superficially, however, she partnered with me in finding a voice for such things as the “hidden” in trauma.  Emily provided a safe atmosphere for discovering healing.  I have never felt like I was just another client or patient with Emily.  An experience with Emily is an exchange.  The experience was connection at a most unsuperficial level and I feel the only reason we could get to this depth is because of this deep respect she embodies.  Emily’s level of awareness of her special gift has come by way of her own healing first and then her sharing in.  Working with trauma victims takes a special awareness and Emily exudes this with passion and humility in all she does.  From the administrative details to the personal and very “hands on” treatments and procedures, every detail is marinated in compassion and empathy, ultimately from a root of Love.  Working with Emily is never a one-way experience.  If you are going to find healing you must be willing to participate.  Emily is safe to do this with.


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